Searching for life on other planets
Die Suche nach Leben auf andern Planeten

Lange bevor es die Möglichkeit gab, nach Leben auf anderen Planeten zu suchen, haben einige Wissenschafter über die Bedingungen nachgedacht, die Leben überhaupt möglich machen und darüber, ob lebensfördernde Bedingungen auf irgend einem anderen Planeten anzutreffen sind. Die Suche nach Leben auf andern Planeten wurde in letzter Zeit dadurch gefördert, dass man in Meteoriten Moleküle fand, die sehr wohl von einst lebenden Organismen herrühren können. Die geglückten Landungen von Robotern auf dem Mars und der Nachweis, dass es auf dem Mars Wasser gibt, machen es wahrscheinlicher, dass dort Spuren von lebenden oder einst dort existierenden Organismen gefunden werden könnten. Und wenn es irgendwo tatsächlich Leben geben sollte, gegeben haben sollte oder einst geben könnte, so waren und sind es mit grosser Sicherheit Lebensformen, die den uns bekannten Mikroorganismen ähnlich sind.

Mit den hier zugänglich gemachten Informationen möchten wir die Diskussion darüber anregen, welche Voraussetzungen für Leben erfüllt sein müssen, auf welchen Planeten die Voraussetzungen am ehesten vorhanden sind oder waren, und wie wir durch Experimente auf der Erde auch Hypothesen über Leben auf andern Planeten nachprüfen können.

Anhand einiger ausgewählter Internet-Links können die Fragen auch von zuhause aus weiter vertieft werden und, wer weiss, vielleicht wird sich der eine oder die andere dafür begeistern, sich in der Ausbildung vermehrt mit Astrobiologie zu befassen.

Fragen, die AstrobiologInnen interessieren
Lebensbedingungen auf andern Planeten
Extraterrestrische Biochemie
Extraterrestrische Lebensweisen und Intelligenz
Astrobiology Sites
Space Research Centers and Agencies
Space News
Historical Accounts of the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Sites of GeneralInterest and Photo Galery
Life on Mars and other Planets
Extraterrestrial Life studied in Earth Environments
How can I become an Astrobiologist ?
Space Station
How the space station was put together

Fragen, die AstrobiologInnen interessieren


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Lebensbedingungen auf andern Planeten
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Extraterrestrische Biochemie
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Extraterrestrische Lebensweisen und Intelligenz
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Space Research Centers and Agencies
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SETI / Search fo Extraterrestrial Intelligence
The home page of the SETI institute. Describes the goals of the research at the institute, current research projects and gives information on the people involved in this research

Ames Research Center News
Links to summaries of the latest research results in the various astrobiology programs being carried out at Ames or by scientists associated with Ames

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The main website with news flashes relating to all aspects of space experimentation carried out by or supported by NASA. Useful source of links to related programs and full reports

NASA’s Astrobiology Institute (NAI). Information about space exploration and related activities

NASA’s astrobiology public information page. Illustrated updates of news involving NASA projects

Research opportunities and projects in the life sciences currently being funded by ‘s Office of Biological and Physical Research (OBPR)

Home page of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology with links to the Solar System, Earth, the Universe and Technolgies

ESA – European Space Agency
ESA Homepage with daily news on space exploration

ESA Satelite images

ESA's Virtual Institute for Exo- / Astrobiology, with information about prerequisites for life processes, the origin of life's chemistry and the planned European space missions. The site also hosts the web page of the European Astrobiology Network Association, EANA, a networking of scientists active in exo- / astro-biology from different European nations

The UK Astrobiology Home page with links to ESA and UK supported exobiology activities, people’s interest in the UK and details about the first First UK Astrobiology Conference in March 2003
A number of links to Astrobiology sites worldwide http://ast.star.rl.ac.uk/exobiology/other_sites.html

Space News
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Daily Astrobiology News
A very comprehensive survey of links to current articles in astrobiology. Up-dated daily. Depending on the policy of the journals or newspapers surveyed, the whole article or only a summary may be available

Mars Research News
Commercial site with illustrated summaries of current news stories on all types of space research. Links available to daily up-dated information on on-going space exploration missions. One can register as a user to be kept up-to-date via e-mail; summaries and links to full articles seem to be free of charge

New evidence for past life on Mars: the small magnetite crystals found in the now-famous ALH84001 Martian meteorite were almost certainly produced by living organisms that must have lived on Mars. The full story, links to multiple press releases, and images

The site for the latest news out of NASA’s Office of Biological and Physical Research. Short announcments and access to full story

Historical Accounts of the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
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Extraterrestrial Life: Where is Everybody? by Jesco von Puttkamer
Historical overview of the search for extraterrestrial life

The Search for Extraterrestrial Life in Scientific American
Overview and future prognosis with links to related readings – illustrated. Scientific American topics on Space issues

Sites of General Interest
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Astrobiology Links Page
A compilation of links to astrobiology sites

Space Photo Gallery
Selection of images from various space missions

The Body in Space
An article that appeared in the January 2001 issue of National Geographic Magazine. A voyage to Mars may be every astronaut's dream, but the health risks to even the most superbly conditioned earthlings are formidable

Life on Mars and other Planets
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Mars exploration sites
Details on the status of different Mars missions from the time they started until today

Present and forthcoming Mars missions

Water on Mars with excellent pictures on structural features of the Martian surface

Was or is there life on mars ?

Videos on Mars missions

Links to Origin of Life questions

Extraterrestrial Life studied in Earth Environments
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Terrrestrial Sites
Listing of research areas on earth where field work relates to the types of environments that might be expected in exploring extraterrestrial sites

Life in Extreme Environments
Web site for Life in Extreme Environments. Site offers current survey of articles available in the literature with appropriate links

What are Extreme Environments ?
Studying life under extreme conditions on Earth

How can I become an Astrobiologist ?
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Astrobiology at the University of Colorado
The web site of the astrobiology lab at the University of Colorado. Describes what astrobiology is, how to become an astrobiologist, prospects for an astrobiologist, the study plan, the curriculum offered, on-going projects, etc.

NAI - NASA Astrobiology Institute
The web site of the Astrobiology Institute

Questions asked by Astrobiologists
Astrobiology asks and seeks to answer questions related to life in the universe.

What is Bioastronomy?
Contents of scientific meetings on Bioastronomy
